How To Open Your $IMB Wallet
Check out how to open an $IMB Wallet in a few minutes with just a few easy steps.
- – Go to
- – Click on the “Get Started” button.
- – You will create a new account. It is recommended that you leave the option “Keep the account on this computer” unchecked unless you’re confident that no one will have access to the current computer. Press “Continue”.
- – Give your account a name, set up a good password including both regular and caps, numbers and special symbols for extra security. When done press “Continue”.
- – Get your pen and three pieces of paper ready! So old school, right? NOTE: Please take security seriously. Read, be alert and don’t get scammed. If unsure, always contact official customer support yourself directly. So, your pen and papers are ready?
- – Click on the “Back Up Now” button
- – You will see 15 (fifteen words) phrase. Please write these words down, NO CAPS and always single space between words. There is no space before the first word and no space after the last one. Write down these combinations on three different pieces of paper and keep them separate and apart. DO NOT screenshot, take pictures with your phone or use any other electronic device to record the 15 words! Also make sure no one is watching your screen. DO NOT try to memorize it on the very first occasion. NOTE: Whoever has access to these can have access to your wallet, please keep it safe – you are your own best security!
- – You will be asked to confirm your combination on next screen, drag and drop (or click on) the words in the correct order / combination and click “Confirm”
- – Read, understand and select all three boxes on this page and click “Confirm and Begin”
- – Click on the top left corner where Avatar of your account is located (colorful boxes in a circle, next to the “Assets” button, above wallet icon).
- – The Dialog box will open. You can copy your address by clicking on two blue boxes (“copy” icon). Your wallet address is copied to clipboard.
- – Send the Wallet Address to Immobilium team via the contact us form to be able to receive tokens.
And that’s it! You have officially opened the $IMB wallet!
If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to write an email.